This story is over 5 years old.


10 Artful Taxidermy Pranks Worth Stuffing Your Dog For

After it's dead, obviously.
Image courtesy Jeremy Johnson

What do you do with unfettered access to a sassily-posed stuffed goat, its legs crossed, a wry smile creeping across its furry goat lips? Taxidermist Jeremy Johnson of Meddling with Nature found out after stuffing and posing Totes MaGoats (pictured above), and ferrying him through bars, restaurants, and parades throughout Cincinatti. "I made him for a Bockfest parade," Johnson tells The Creators Project. "From there I pretty much took him everywhere I could for fun." This apparently included a friend's bedroom, according to a Reddit post this morning, which featured his handiwork (pictured below). As the poster remarked, "When you're friends with a taxidermist, nothing surprises you anymore."


We found 10 ways taxidermists and stuffed-animal enthusiasts can channel their passion to seriously freak out friends, family, enemies, other animals, and probably aliens.

1. The Classic


The most straightforward prank is to just hide a deer head in your friend's car. Hide it in their bed, The Godfather-style for a prank they'll refuse to forget.

2. Cat Scratch Fever

Go in for the hug—with a flying stuffed cat drone.

3. Birthday Slash

Image courtesy Jeremy Johnson

Dreading that boring office birthday? Let a racoon loose on the gifts.

4. Save the Day

via eBay

Somebody stole the nuts?

5. The Musical Pun Switcheroo

Tell your significant other you're taking them to see The Beatles.

6. The Dress Code Loophole

Introduce him as Stuart Little's dad.

7. The Sega Dreamcrusher

via Mick Minogue

Stuff someone's favorite video game character to show them who's really at the top of the food chain.

8. The Interior Terminator


Offer to put up the wallpaper in their new apartment. Bring Balto.

9. DIY Mythology

Capricorn, via

Sarina Brewer

Pretend you "caught something unbelievable." Then prove it.

10. Window Shopping

Heeeere's Tweety!


This isn't a prank, but it's horrifying.

Check out more taxidermy art on Meddling with Nature.


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