This story is over 5 years old.


Dance, Dance To Control An Audiovisual Cloud

Paradigme's Paracloud takes the concept of DDR and uses it to create an interactive artwork.

We're all familiar with those dance pad games where you have to be either very drunk or a dedicated teenager who spends their every waking hour immersed in them to be any good. But for most of us it just ends in embarrassment.

French art collective Paradigme have taken that idea and used it to create an audiovisual installation Paracloud for the Musiques Volantes festival. Members of the public can jig about on a mat of sensors and their moves are translated into a sound and light show in the "cloud" above them, which was created using clear balloons suspended in the air with lights behind them. See the making of vid here.


It's a simple setup but it's the kind of piece that, if it were to be featured in a club, you'd have to fight your way to get on it amongst the eager hordes.

Images via Tauph