In heart-stopping anticipation of his new film, Swiss Army Man, actor Daniel Radcliffe has been traveling the country alongside a rather quiet friend: his own corpse. An ongoing promotional tour called Manny Watch sees the nation snapping lifeless Instagrams with the film’s protagonist, the most recent of which sees Manny making it all the way to the Hollywood Walk of Fame to lie down beside Radcliffe’s very own star. Deadly meta.
This week, The Creators Project sat down with Daniels, the directorial duo behind the film, for a conversation on Facebook Live. In the film, Hank, played by Paul Dano, is stranded alone, on a remote island. Just as he’s about to give himself an offing, Manny washes up on shore. Over the course of the film, Hank finds that Manny’s body has the ability to talk and provide a host of other services, as the film’s title suggests. Co-directors Daniel Scheinert and Daniel Kwan are much obliged to demonstrate.
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Below, check out a few of the places Manny’s been over the past month: