This story is over 5 years old.


Experience An Undefinable Type Of Nostalgia With Hypernova

ETSAMAN and Pedro Pagy invoke the feeling of saudade with their video.

Hypernova is an audio visual production that blends images shot by Martin Holzmeister, a.k.a. ETSAMAN, and music created by DJ/producer Pedro Pagy, along with photos and drawings they gleaned from various sources. Once they had compiled enough material, they pulled the elements together digitally using 3D color generation, After Effects and Final Cut. Pagy developed the soundtrack using Logic Pro.

This video project came about after endless talks the two artists had about mystical and metaphysical issues, the blending of nature and astronomy, and the various themes they would eventually cover in the video. Once the project was complete, it was presented at Largo das Artes last month in Rio de Janeiro.

The goal of the Hypernova is to invite viewers to think about the lives we lead and the paths taken by our civilization. As Holzeimer explains:

It's a moment to ponder, giving rise to a feeling of saudade (a term referring to a type of nostalgia undefined in English), but which also calls for the present, crying out to take a stand or remain passive while the flow goes on like a crazy, wild horse.