This story is over 5 years old.


Hyped: The Week In Links 5/4

Busy week? Here are some things you may have missed.

On the blog this week we broke down the music of German artist Torky Tork for our LAYERS column, discovered a robot that can swoop and perch like a bird, found out about two bloggers who are changing China’s attitude towards media, were wowed by the interactive future of gaming, checked out the idea of a human camera, tapped our toes and joypads to Team Teamworks’ video game/hip-hop mashup, and learned of the founder of SoundCloud’s new venture where he makes music from church sounds.


And from the InterWebs…

· How would you build the perfect technological city? Well, maybe a bit like this one, PlanIT Valley, in Portugal which is being built with the precision of a Formula One racing car.

· Augmented reality to help bring ghosts to life for visitors to the ship SS Britain.

· Food for thought: Brainwave pong.

· Don’t tell Hollywood, but scientists have developed an electron microscope that can produce 3-dimensional photos in real-time.

· Christian Stoll’s photographic series Epic shows the futuristic hidden infrastructures that power large corporations (above). [via]
