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Hyped: The Week in Links 9/23

Busy week? Here’s some things you may have missed.

Let’s take a moment to recall the week that was. We saw artists stealing celebrities’ faces, iconic landmarks from Star Wars turned up in the French suburbs, a documentary pondered the pros and cons of the digital revolution, and we introduced new Creator Random Walks to help us visualize our data-saturated existence. Synchronized swimming got the music video treatment and we wondered if video presentations could replace runway shows.


And out in the big wide web…

· Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Holy crap, no, it’s a piece of space debris that’s hurtling towards Earth. This weekend, look out for falling satellites. The NASA Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite is coming crashing back to terra firma sometime tomorrow, but they don’t know where it’s going to land…

· Tupac and Biggie freestyling before they were feuding.

· I predict a video riot: Software artist Scott Draves’ web app, Video Riot, lets you make your own kaleidoscopic YouTube mashup video art. [via]

· Shoot to thrill: Forget about Master Chief, Warco is a FPS where the hero wields a camera rather than a gun.

· Mind movie: Scientists capture visual activity in the human brain and turn it into digital video.

· Einstein was wrong. Scientists at CERN got some problematic results that show neutrinos travelling faster than the speed of light. What next? The flat earth theory proved correct?

· Great Scott! It’s a Back to the Future skateboard scene with a capella multitrack.