
Blow Your Mind with Psychedelia | GIF Six-Pack

This year, 4/20 fell on a Wednesday, which means that dreams of lighting up at 4:20 AM and smoking strong until 4:20 PM are just dreams for some, unless you call in sick or work at the kind place that’s cool with you “working from home” today. In any case, we’ve rounded up some of our mind-boggling-est GIF artists to transport you from your desk, sans smoke or smell. The traditional rainbows and vortexes are well represented in this bunch, but we’ve also got skin crawlers, woah-duders, and at least one I-can’t-feel-my-facer wrapped up in an endlessly-looping bouquet of trippy visuals. If you are lucky enough to staying in today, these also pair well with whatever you’re on, and visiting the artists’ websites will lead you down a rabbit hole of whoa.


Hugo Germain


Leon Denise

Sam Cannon

See more trippy GIFs on GIPHY.

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