This story is over 5 years old.


Visualizing A Photograph's "Heartbeat"

Recent RISD graduate Namwoo Bae derives heartbeat soundtracks from photographs and transforms them into digital artworks.

Namwoo Bae's The Curtain sounds unlike any heartbeat that might be heard through a stethoscope. The artist employed cross-over editing techniques with raw data—for instance using audio editing software on images—to generate multiple heartbeat soundtracks from photographs.

He calls his ticking, clicking, and pulsing creation "an experimental raw data visualization." The result is abstract and minimalist soundtracks that mimic the cyclical rhythm of a heartbeat. But it didn't end there, after creating these glitchy audio manifestations he then came full circle and visualised the audio he'd made, printing the data out as digital images, creating a kind of topography of the sounds generated from the photographs.


You can listen and see the results below.

[via I Like This Art]

Images and sound courtesy of Namwoo Bae