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Not Your Everyday Math Lesson When You're Lost In Pascal's Triangle

Super Nature Design give maths a futuristic LED makeover.

Pascal Triangle from Super Nature Design on Vimeo.

If you can cast your mind back to your high school math lessons, you may remember learning about Pascal and his triangle. Why does this guy get to have his own triangle, you might ask? Well, because he’s clever. The triangle is one that’s built by starting with the number one at the top, then numbers are placed below in a pyramid shape where the edges are all one and all the other numbers are the two numbers above it added together. It you couldn’t follow that, then check out the picture below which shows the first six rows:


Now that you know what it is (or maybe you knew already), you can appreciate designers Super Nature Design‘s digital take on this with their interactive piece Lost in Pascal’s Triangle. We’ve previously covered their Prisma 1666, which drew inspiration from Newtonian physics. So it seems quite a natural evolution to go from physics to mathematics with this LED sculpture, which features 100 triangular LED lights, supported by layered fluorescent triangles.

To complete a triumvirate of triangular forms is a series of xylophone triangles placed at the front, which audiences can interact with, generating music and lighting sequences in a futuristic green and blue hue.

In their own words:

It is a light interactive installation that allows the audience to explore the concept and magnification of the Pascal’s triangle mathematics formula, which was named after the French mathematician, Blaise Pascal.

[via designboom]


Images: Super Nature Design