This story is over 5 years old.


Projecting Fun With Fog

A 3D image you can see from different angles.

Take three projectors, a pillar of fog, and there you have it: a multi-perspective 3D image. Researchers from Osaka University just developed this bewildering floating haze by capturing fog-soaked dispersions of light. With each projector simultaneously showing a unique perspective of the same object, the result molds an image from clouds of condensation, disregarding the flat two-dimensionality of other fog displays. We can imagine so many different ways this technology will evolve as plans to materialize larger 3D images with 360-degree visibility develop, as researchers will enlarge the column of fog, add more projectors, and more angle-specific images. It looks like the future of illusory reality is not so far away. Just imagine walking through fog displays of life-size people. Kind of gives you goosebumps, doesn't it?

[via DigInfo TV.]