This story is over 5 years old.


Robert Seidel: Retro-Futurist

Textures and patterns roll ebulliently before your eyes.

Robert Seidel is an animator and motion designer whose digital artworks mix the organic with the technological, creating a sensual experience of undulating shapes that both look to the digital future while nodding to our biological past. His impressionistic film _grau, below, is something of a masterpiece, and is based on memories that surfaced during a car accident. He’s got a new film out later this year called Floating, the trailer is above. If his past work is anything to go by, this is going to be thoroughly awesome.


He’s fond of studying natural shapes and patterns then overlaying them with his own graphics creating a futuristic visionary style. This idea is behind a large scale video installation piece he made for COMO at the Nabi Art Center in Seoul, South Korea, called Vellum (the term means mammal skin prepared for writing or printing on), what he calls slices of a virtual sculpture. It’s a work that’s almost spooky, with birds’ tweets and folding colors transposing you to a place familiar yet foreign. Best just to see it for yourself really. Have a peek at his website after you’ve watched these soothing videos.