This story is over 5 years old.


Take A Glitch-Ridden Trip Through Google Earth

Charlie Behrens’s Algorithmic Architecture explores how algorithms are increasingly becoming the first class citizens of our cities.

Algorithmic Architecture from Charlie Behrens on Vimeo.

They’re out there, changing and adapting our world and not giving a damn what you think about it. The algorithms that is, affecting everything from the global stock markets to what you see when pursuing Amazon or searching Google—you’d know that if you familiarized yourself with Kevin Slavin’s talk “Those Algorithms That Govern Our Lives” (below), or his similar TED Talk, where he posits that those megalomanic algorithms are increasingly calling the shots in the world.


Inspired by Slavin’s talk Charlie Behrens made the short film Algorithmic Architecture (above), which uses a glitch aesthetic to take the viewer on a journey using Google Earth. Using the visual discrepancy that occurs when Google Earth doesn’t compute 3D images properly Behren uses it “as a metaphor for the way that our 21st century supercities are physically changing to suit the needs of computer algorithms rather than human employees.”

They’re coming for you…

Check out some stills from Algorithmic Architecture below:

[via The New Aesthetic]
