This story is over 5 years old.


[Visual Dictionary] Michael Kerbow Defines Surveillance Art

Visual definitions shed light on 2015's biggest art trends.

We asked some of our favorite artists to visually define some ideas and genres we felt had a big presence in 2015. Micheal Kerbow, who specializes in riveting dystopian citiscapes, tackled "Surveillance Art," the growing body of work that struggles with life in a privacy-free world.

"Here is a my idea related to surveillance. I call it, Roost. It is be a cold, metallic 'tree' comprised of surveillance cameras and satellite dishes in a weedy urban setting. Kind of menacing but also poignant."


Surveilance artists to check out:

+Trevor Paglen

+Jacob Appelbaum

+Laura Poitras

+Kyle McDonald

+Jakub Geltnur

+Addie Wagenknecht

+Sterling Crispin

+Florian Freier

+Shinseungback Kimyonghun

+Sam Lavigne

+Emil Kozole

+Sophia Callahan

+James Bridle

+Michael Hayden

See more of Michael Kerbow's work on his website.


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