This story is over 5 years old.


Watch A Hockey Rink Get Iced With A Crazy Projection-Mapping Spectacle

Last night's playoff game between Tampa Bay and Montreal was jumpstarted with a blaring light show.

The Montreal Canadians beat the Tampa Bay Lightning at the playoff opener last night, but everyone’s a winner when it comes to the visually stunning, projection-mapped introduction that pumped up the crowd before the match started.

Belle Centre’s intro show starts with a slow burn buildup, highlighting Stanley Cups past with a spotlight and a booming tock—tock—tock—as the light hits each sign. Suddenly, the whole rink lights up, and then the real show begins. Parts of the ice seem to drop down below the surface as a projection-mapped illusion transforms the whole surface from an industrial-looking rink to a mechanized equalizer reacting to the blaring dubstep to a 50-foot screen depicting the glory of past games. We imagine the crowd might have shouted: "YEAH OPEN SOURCING! THE FUTURE IS NOW! ART AND HOCKEY!"

It only escalates from there, and we don’t want to spoil the ending, but a heartfelt kudos to Belle Centre’s production team. Michael Bay would be proud.

Thanks to Reddit user daveedgamboa for finding the video.