This story is over 5 years old.


Killing It: Cold As Ice Edition

It's a cold, cold world out there.

There's enough gossip going around the world of electronic music that it probably deserves its own TMZ, Gawker, and Perez Hilton. We keep track of the drama, the beef, the LOLs, the dramatic build-ups, and the tragic drops so you don't have to. Now, let's see who killed it this week.


Last week a special guest attended the Major Lazer showm, and since gossip magazines like to take it to the next level, rumor is that she is also taking DJ lessons from them to get back at Paris Hilton. According to Perez, watching a DJ performance now consitutes receiving DJ lessons. Either way, we are going to enjoy this photo of her, Jillionaire and Swizzymack that wound up on TMZ.



Rick Ross finally caught on to that "Every Day I'm Shufflin'" line in LMFAOs "Party Rock Anthem" and is now suing them… in 2014. We are not sure what took him so long to do this but maybe he really needs to pay his Rolex bill.


Daedelus is one of the nicest guys in the industry so we were upset when we heard that his bag with all of his gear got stolen in LA on NYE at Grand Park. Going from ringing in your year in front of 20k people to finding everything gone is a pretty rocky way to start 2014. If anyone knows anything about this, you can send him a message here.


A few days ago The Examiner posted a story about Treasure Fingers getting attacked on stage while DJing, and while the video is pretty crazy, it was from a year ago and attempting to make a story out of it now is pretty ridiculous. So being the funny guy that he is he responded in the comments to clear up the incident. From the horses mouth to the internet guys! Get your facts straight.


The rumors are true guys! The rap beat duo TNGHT made up of Lunice and Hudson Mohawk have gone on Hiatus and their label, Lucky Me, has confirmed this. They did hint that they would be back though. Miss you already.


We learned around Christmas that Paris Hilton was actually one of the top 5 DJs in the world. We had no idea. We are not sure what's funnier—the fact that she said this or the comments from bedroom DJs that are fuming with anger because she took that $50,000 Vegas gig they were all gunning for. Keep practicing guys!


Oh Joel! We thought you quit Twitter. We are so glad you are back. We missed you. This week Deadmau5 said that he will not be playing in Miami again. The Mau5 played the infamous club Mansion, notorious for kicking DJs that actually like music off the decks for not cheesing it out, and apparently everyone was just standing there on their phone while actual fans were stuck at the back. Being the true raver that Mau5man is, that made him very angry. He says "never again" in his Twitter rant. We are with you bud.