This story is over 5 years old.


Evaporating Ice Cubes Become 8-Bit Mario Cloud Animation

The flying O.H.N.O. twins mashup footage of colored ice cubes to create trippy pixel art.

8-bit evaporation from the flying O.H.N.O. twins on Vimeo.

Here’s a question for you: what do ice cubes and pixel art have in common? Answer: the above animation 8-bit Evaporation from the Flying O.H.N.O. Twins (Donald Fodness and Alvin P. Gregorio), which uses 5,500 colored ice cubes to recreate one of those distinctive cartoon clouds from Super Mario Bros..

Once the cubes were tinted, then came the waiting part as they melted, which was recorded in HD. The video you see above is a sped up, reversed, looped, and compressed version of events with a suitably mangled soundtrack, which features audio files from the NES classic overlaid after being sped up and slowed down.

The whole thing feels like your brain is evaporating along with those ice cubes.

[via Prosthetic Knowledge]
