This story is over 5 years old.


Would You Wear CuteCircuit's Programmable, Digital T-Shirt?

It has an LCD screen, a headphone jack, and a camera.

T-shirts—a staple of any wardrobe. For many people, they’re pretty much the default sartorial choice for a summer’s day. And why not? The humble tee is a thing that’s withstood the test of time, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be augmented with a bit of technology. tshirtOS is a collaborative project between Ballantine's and wearable tech company CuteCircuit. It’s a tee that has an LCD screen that let’s you interact with the web—displaying Facebook statuses, Tweets, and photos—and listen to your iTunes through the shirt’s interface.


It has a built-in camera so you can take photos and upload them instantly to Instagram or wherever, a headphone jack, and its own operating system which is controlled by an app on your phone. At the moment they’re just in the prototype phase, but if they get enough interest then they could go into production. So, would you wear one?
