This story is over 5 years old.


"Smart" Headphones Determine Your Mood And Choose Your Music For You

Neurowear’s Mico headphones decide the tunes it thinks you should be listening to.

With so many ways and such a variety of music to choose from, deciding what music to listen to is a first world problem of the highest order. You’re basically paralyzed with choice, plus we’ve all been in a situation where you put on a song only to realize it wasn’t really what you wanted, then had to skip through looking for something else. Life is hard.

Japanese company Neurowear—who came up with those wearable cat ears and cat tail that are controlled by your brain—have created a set of headphones that will determine your mood and find the right songs to fit it. They’re called Mico headphones and they use a brain sensor to determine whether you want to rock out to a bit of Motörhead or keep it real with some Justin Bieber.


The headphones work in collaboration with an app which calibrates your brainwave via an EEG sensor that’s attached to the headphones. By reading your brain patterns it can determine your mood and then a song is selected and played from the Neurowear database that the software thinks will compliment your mood. That way you can free up your brain to make more important decisions, like what to get for lunch.

You can check out the demo video above and the instruction video below.

[via Gizmag]
