This story is over 5 years old.


A Bizarre Short Film Based Entirely On Facebook Status Updates

Rajeev Basu’s Status Update: The Movie gives cartoon form to people’s inane virtual posturing.

We’ve had Facebook: The Movie courtesy of David Fincher and Aaron Sorkin, now you can have a watch of Status Update: The Movie courtesy of artist Rajeev Basu. For better or worse it uses Facebook status updates to form its narrative, which dictates that it’s slightly inane and features such oddities as the great non-massacre of 2080, a goldfish funeral, a GPS system with the worst intentions, a video game about waiting in line, and other non-sequiturs.

The whole thing is kind of absurd and silly with a pervading sense of inexplicability—which makes it a pretty accurate representation of Facebook status updates. And if you’re confused by what’s occuring in this cartoon world, as you inevitably will be, the status updates which the segments are based on are revealed at the end.

[via Lost At E Minor]
