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Control Nange Magro's Mechapolypse Dress With Your Mind

Wear what you think.

Mechapolypse -Mind Controlled Dress- from nange magro on Vimeo.

In our schizophrenic attention deficit society, the practice of concentration is compromised by countless outside forces and our ever-present networked devices. But what if chilling out and focusing was rewarded with a physical experience of some kind? Similarly to Yehuda Duenyas’ The Ascent, where participants are able to levitate by utilizing the brain’s electrical impulses, London-based fashion designer Nange Magro has crafted a dress that you can control with your mind.


An EEG (electroencephalographic) chip embedded in the Mechapolypse dress’s headpiece analyzes your brain waves and communicates to an Arduino, which triggers the dress’s transformation. It’s a pretty crazy cool concept when you think about it—though we’re not sure if exposing thoughts so openly is always ideal. At least no one knows exactly what you’re thinking…

Based around levels of concentration, the spine lights up when the dress is on (symbolizing breathing) and the amount of fiber optics that light up depend on how hard you’re exercising those brain muscles. In the third stage, the upper skirt (shell) starts to retract until it’s concealed in the back, and in the fourth stage, the dress returns back to its original state.

The dress’s very Giger-esque animation above depicts a half-human/half-machine woman who falls in love with a robot who doesn’t believe she’s really “like him” until her dress morphs and her mechanical insides are revealed. Though the way Magro’s styled the dress may appeal to those without a latex fetish, we can see this skirt paired with some brights (or, hell, even a blazer) to counteract that goth vibe. Think about it.

[via Fashioning Tech]
