This story is over 5 years old.


Aaajiao Transforms The Facade Of Shanghai Art Museum With Projection Mapping And Sound

A nine-minute loop takes the structure through countless forms.

Aaajiao has a knack for re-imagining existing structures and landscapes so that we consider them in a new context. Using projection mapping and sound design, he recently transformed the facade of Shanghai Art Museum into a morphing surface showcasing a variety of visualizations, from the gears and inner workings of the clock itself to examples of traditional Chinese art.

Coinciding with the projections, a soundtrack gives the visualizations another dimension of palpability. For example, as the building deconstructs and reconstructs brick by brick, we hear the sound of each brick being laid. We also hear the gears of the clock, the robotic sounds of some of the more space age visualizations, and the virtual scratching away of the facade to reveal a multicolored pattern underneath.

See more of Aaajiao’s work in our behind-the-scenes-profile below, as well as some stills from the Shanghai Art Museum project.
