This story is over 5 years old.


Five Things The Internet Can Teach You: Twatooing And Auto-Tune

This rapper
Fuck you, internet. Remember the good old days when you could just laugh at someone without having to worry whether or not the joke was actually on you? I'm a little scared to post this because I just know some asshole is gonna tell me it's fake, and I want it to be real SO BAD. But come on, there are seven billion people on earth. Is it so far-fetched to think that ONE person out there could have a BET tattoo and think the Eiffel Tower leans?


My future favourite movie of all time
Did you know that Will Smith was once in a movie where he commits suicide by (spoiler alert) sitting in a bath tub full of jellyfish? Well, he was. Apparently that wasn't ridiculous enough for him though, as now he "is attached to produce and star in The Legend of Cain, an epic re-telling of the Biblical sibling tale, this time with a vampiric twist."

Show's over, folks!
Remember when T-Pain said, "Is Auto-Tune really dead?" Well here's your answer. He sounds like when a safe gets dropped on someone in a cartoon and it turns them in to an accordion.

Vajazzling out, twattooing in
Just when I was about to finish cringing at the thought of vajazzling, an even grosser portmanteau is here to knock it from atop its fashion perch. Twattooing? Seriously, girls? Are those things not gross enough already?

Alexander McQueen inspiring two nail polishes
Have you ever had one of those nights where you're trying to sleep but you can't because your own mortality is haunting you? Like, every time you close your eyes your brain screams at you, "IF YOU DIE TOMORROW, WILL YOU HAVE MADE A MARK ON THE WORLD?!" Well, if you're as successful as Alexander McQueen, then fear not. Your passing could potentially inspire not one, but TWO shades of nail polish. See? Dying isn't so bad.