Adam Ramsey

asia & pacific

Bangkok's Brawling Students Are a Threat to Public Health

Vocational students in the city have been killed in drive-by assassinations, shot in cold blood on train stations, as well as routinely beaten and chased through the streets by peers from rival schools.
Adam Ramsey
asia & pacific

For a Triumphant Aung San Suu Kyi, the Hard Work Is Just Beginning

Any party that just won 80 percent of the vote would be over the moon. In Myanmar, the joy comes with awareness that the transition to full democracy will be tough.
Adam Ramsey
asia & pacific

Hundreds of Thousands of Citizens Won’t Be Allowed to Vote in Myanmar’s Historic Election

The Southeast Asian country will hold its first free election in 25 years on Sunday — but many citizens will be barred from voting.
Adam Ramsey
crime & drugs

Assassinations, Curses, and Stolen Jewels: The 'Blue Diamond Affair' Is Still Darkening Saudi-Thai Relations

A poorly executed heist in 1989 continues to plague diplomacy between Saudi Arabia and Thailand to this day, and has produced plenty of intrigue, accusations, and counter claims.
Adam Ramsey
asia & pacific

Body Parts and Pools of Blood Visible at Tourist Site Targeted in Bangkok Bombing

Thai police say at least 16 people were killed by a pipe bomb at the Erawan shrine, a religious site and tourist attraction located in Bangkok’s shopping district.
Adam Ramsey

Malaysia's Scandal-Plagued Prime Minister Just Purged His Cabinet

Najib Razak replaced his deputy prime minister and officials who were investigating the mismanagement of a development fund from which he is accused of taking almost $700 million.
Adam Ramsey

Thai Court Orders Release of Pro-Democracy Activists Who Rallied Against the Junta

Though a police petition to extend their detention was rejected, the student activists still face up to seven years in prison for breaking the junta’s laws against public gatherings and “sedition.”
Adam Ramsey

Yangon’s ‘Pork on Stick’ Is More Than Just Pork on a Stick

Wet Thar Dote Htoe, literally translated as “pork on stick” is engrained in Myanmar street food culture, thanks to the entrepreneurial skills (and high quality offal) of one family.
Adam Ramsey

Myanmar's Mines Desperately Need Reform, as Foreign Firms Implicated in Rights Abuses

Amnesty International has accused foreign mining companies of profiting from serious human rights abuses in Myanmar, as the country struggles with the might of globalized capital. But there are some reasons for optimism.
Adam Ramsey

Insect Farming Can Buy You a Toyota in Thailand

While Thailand is one of several countries with a long history of eating insects, only in the past few years has the industry seen a dramatic uptick.
Adam Ramsey

In Cairo’s ‘Garbage City,’ Illegal Pig Farming Is Coming Back

Thanks to a swine flu scare five years ago, Hosni Mubarak's government culled most of Egypt's pig population. But even though pork farming is still illegal, a few bold farmers are attempting to reform the industry altogether.
Adam Ramsey
The Guide to Political Change

Egyptians Dodged Bombs and Protests to Vote on the New Constitution

For the past two days, Egyptians have been taking to the polls to officially pass judgment on the latest iteration of the country's constitution. They want stability, and they believe that is what the referendum will bring.
Adam Ramsey