Aleks Eror

the internet

This Dumb New App Lets You Pay People to Eat Maggots

On Eristica, viewers can use cryptocurrency to pay "daredevils" to do stupid shit.
Aleks Eror
Internet Videos Of Particular Importance

Making Sense of the Strange YouTube Unboxing Trend

Philosopher Jean Baudrillard can help us understand this odd online phenomenon.
Aleks Eror

​The Rise Of the Anti-Beauty Aesthetic

In a world of easy-to-access beauty, sometimes ugliness is the only way to stand out. We chart the aesthetic of ugliness from German expressionism to hardcore punk to the rise of Vetements.
Aleks Eror

The Serbian Warlord Who Led His Club to the Champions League

Serbian warlord Željko "Arkan" Ražnatović led FK Obilic from the second tier to the domestic title and a place in the Champions League qualifying rounds. But their story was never going to end happily.
Aleks Eror

How a Homophobic Country Became a Go-To Spot for Gender Reassignment Surgery

Serbia's cheap medical tourism industry has attracted trans people from across the world—but local trans people find themselves left out in the cold.
Aleks Eror
anti-competitive practices

​How Football Explains Capitalism

As football becomes increasingly corporatised, certain phenomena in the game begin to reflect some of the fundamental functions and theories of our planet's dominant economic system
Aleks Eror

In Defense of Economic Migrants

You should be allowed to flee poverty as well as war.
Aleks Eror

Knee Deep In the Balkan Floods, Climate Change Finally Feels Real

It took the natural disaster to make me really care.
Aleks Eror
The Fashion Issue 2014

Scally Lads Are Gay Brits Who Like to Smell Stinky Socks and Have Sex in Tracksuits

One guy who tried to cruise me requested that I don’t shower for a week before our meet, telling me that he loves “stinky socks” and a “cheesy cock” because it’s “fucking manly."
Aleks Eror
Aleks Eror, Photos by Gaz (, Courtesy
Aleks Eror, Photos by Gaz

Speaking to Mandela Mourners Outside London's South Africa House

There was a Scottish guy playing bagpipes and another who was going to camp out indefinitely.
Aleks Eror

I Went to Porn School and It Was a Disaster

Some of the people who show up to Porn Weekender are aspiring porn-industry professionals; others are simply people for whom the experience of sitting at home watching porn is too lonely, remote, or unfulfilling.
Aleks Eror
Aleks Eror, Photos: Isabelle Andarakis

'Yomango' Is Barcelona's Ideological Shoplifting Movement

The world's economy is still fucked. And ever since the West went into an economic meltdown in 2008, anticonsumerist sentiment has been steadily on the rise. While proletariats in the US have largely settled for memories of Zuccotti, the Catalan civil...
Aleks Eror