Alex Hancock

we saw this

10 Takeaways from Attending the First Night of Kanye West's Saint Pablo Tour

Indianapolis hosted the opening date of Kanye West's Saint Pablo Tour, and we went to find out what Kanye has in store for the world.
Alex Hancock
2005 week

Sugar, We're Still Goin' Down: A Tribute to the Gloriously Crappy Mall Rock of 2005

2005's mall rock hasn't all aged well, but damn it, we loved it.
Alex Hancock
Internet Exploring

These Are the Best Minions Remixes on the Internet

The Minions are basically an Ableton starter kit, and Soundcloud is teeming with Minions bangers.
Alex Hancock
we saw this

'We Are Your Friends' Is About Searching Within to Find Your One True Banger

Zac Efron's EDM movie is surprisingly affecting.
Alex Hancock
Music Video Premieres

PREMIERE: Y.E. Ali Is the Life of the Party in "Tingz"

The Indiana rapper lights up the club in his new video.
Alex Hancock
Internet Exploring

The Best "What Are Thoooooooose?" Songs, Reviewed

One question for Soundcloud: WHAT ARE THOOOOOOOOSE?
Alex Hancock
Deep Ass Questions

Will Lil B Win the NBA Playoffs for the Golden State Warriors? A Statistical Analysis of the Based God's Curse

The Based God's Curse claimed its latest victim last night as James Harden's Houston Rockets were knocked out of the NBA Playoffs. What does it all mean?
Alex Hancock
Deep Ass Questions

What's the Difference Between a Banger and a Slapper?

Noisey investigates.
Alex Hancock
Objectively Correct Lists

An Investigation Into Who Drake Can Convince to Play for the Toronto Raptors

The Beige Gawd has clearly proven that he can lead the Toronto Raptors to victory, but what will he be able to do for the team in the offseason?
Alex Hancock