Bruce LaBruce


Filmmaker Bruce LaBruce Shares His Best Movies of 2014

Here's a list of stuff to watch instead of the Oscar bait that's being rammed down our throats.
Bruce LaBruce

Let's Talk About TIFF

I'm baaAAAack. In case you were wondering where I went, I took about a year off from my VICE column to direct a movie called Gerontophilia, which premiered at the Venice and Toronto international film festivals last month, and is currently...
Bruce LaBruce

Scary Photos for Scary Times

In this scariest of seasons—the final run-up to the interminable train wreck of a US presidential campaign—oh, and also Halloween—horror imagery is everywhere. In honor of these spooky times, I present you with some scary, previously unpublished...
Bruce LaBruce

Humanity Is a Hieronymus Bosch Painting

The pressing question remains, has it always been this way or is there something unique about the contemporary world that seems to be bringing out the worst in everybody? Or does the internet merely magnify the most appalling aspects of humanity, and...
Bruce LaBruce

All Hail the Fifth Coming of the iPhone

Are we going to keep on sucking Apple’s dick with our eyes blindfolded and pretend we’re not being led down the garden path? I know I am, but not without a modicum of guilt.
Bruce LaBruce

The Warhol Delusion

Anyone who has read the 'Warhol Diaries' knows that Andy Warhol was an emotionally damaged, sociopathic sissy who, by his own admission, “stopped caring” after several of his cats died in the 60s, and subsequently showed virtually no emotion or empathy...
Bruce LaBruce

Another TIFF Bites the Dust… Again

It’s time for my second annual list of mini-reviews from the Toronto International Film Festival, which I present partly in the belief that filmmakers should not be afraid to offer critiques of the films of other filmmakers, and partly because my own...
Bruce LaBruce

Treating Actors Like Cattle at the Toronto International Film Festival

I didn’t spot any international celebrities at the party I threw at The Bovine Sex Club. They were probably off somewhere being herded through pens like bulls to slaughter. Doesn’t sound like a bad idea.
Bruce LaBruce

With God on All Sides

Many evangelical Christian Republicans, from Chuck Norris on down, would have you believe that Obama is the Anti-Christ. Other Americans, presumably Democrats, actually believe Obama is Christ. Everyone wants to claim that Christ is on their side...
Bruce LaBruce

Inappropriate Dressing and Undressing

Who knows, maybe Funny Van Money will start a new trend of suburban al fresco stripping that will sweep the nation. It would certainly liven up living in the goddamn crabgrass.
Bruce LaBruce

Regrettable Tattoos

I believe that tattoos are and always should be not only about pain, but more importantly, regret. So please don’t waste your time agonizing over picking that perfect, precious tattoo that you will love forever and never spend a moment’s time feeling...
Bruce LaBruce

Skating in Monterrey

I saw a lot of great art on my recent trip to Monterrey, Mexico. Punk as a musical, political, and aesthetic force is still very strong there. It sometimes takes on a kind of religious significance.
Bruce LaBruce