Charlotte Kamin


This Valentine's Day, Remember That Cheese Will Never Leave You

If you're feeling despondent on this highly commercial day of cartoon hearts and boxes of chocolate, just remember that cheese is truly the food of love. Even if you're alone.
Charlotte Kamin

Fatten Yourself with Cheese to Survive Winter

Winter becomes the abysmal frozen hell that makes all humans edgy and bitter. So what can get you through these winter months? Besides the obvious combo of Xanax and marathon-watching 'Stranger Things 2', eating cheese helps a lot.
Charlotte Kamin

If You're Feeling Depressed, Torch a Box of Camembert

True story: cheese solves a lot of problems, like hunger, or calcium deficiency, or the craving of cheese. So when you're hungover, or feeling empty inside, or even kind of horny, torch a little Cam.
Charlotte Kamin

You Don't Know Shite About Irish Cheese

If one thing is true about the Irish, it’s that they are creative, driven, and all-around badasses. The Emerald Isle's artisanal cheese movement is a testament to that.
Charlotte Kamin

Why You Should Eat Cheese When Your A/C Breaks

People love to eat and drink the pain away, so fight the sweltering heat of summer by eating a rich triple crème. It works.
Charlotte Kamin

Triple Crèmes Are the MDMA of the Cheese World

After just one taste of extra-creamy Pierre Robert, Brillat-Savarin, or Delice de Bourgogne, the sky seems brighter, smells are sweeter, and that hand caressing the small of your back feels like melting velvet.
Charlotte Kamin

Emmenthaler Is the 'Everybody Loves Raymond' of Cheeses

Emmenthaler is the Everybody Loves Raymond of all cheeses: it's God-awful, and yet people seem to really like it. Holes are normally considered a sign of a defect in the cheese-making process, but with this stuff, it's the opposite.
Charlotte Kamin

Fatten Yourself with Cheese to Survive Winter

Winter is for gorging, feasting, and eating away the feelings of desperation and loneliness. Winter is for cheese.
Charlotte Kamin

Hot Summers Are the Perfect Time for Eating Stinky Cheese

Sometimes it's too fucking hot to turn on a stove or exist inside an apartment. And when faced with the bursting farmers markets and the overwhelming selections at the nearest cheese counter, sometimes, less is more, and simple is good.
Charlotte Kamin

Ramps and Goat Cheese Are Best Paired with Online Dating

Spring is here! That means it's time to head down to the farmer's market, pick up some ramps and goat cheese, and mix them both together before hopping on OKCupid or Tinder for some springtime lovin'.
Charlotte Kamin
"magic cheese"

This Gooey Cheese Will Save Your Awkward Family Holiday Gathering

This mind-blowing stunner has a rind that you should pull back to reveal lactic perfection waiting to be dipped in to. There is, quite literally, nothing better in this world, unless you can imagine being dipped into a warm vat of chocolate pudding...
Charlotte Kamin
aged cheese

Getting Lost with Cheese in The Basque Country Is Like Taking Too Many Shrooms

I recently found myself in a small Basque village that felt like a cross between a sedated attraction at Disneyland and a really intense acid trip at a county fair, but the cheese was some of the best I've tasted.
Charlotte Kamin