
Concept Kits Are Starting to Influence Football's Biggest Brands

Having exploded in popularity over the last few years, concept kits have democratised kit design, cemented football's link with fashion and influenced a whole new generation of strips.
Will Magee

The YouTuber Accused of Using Coronavirus to Scam His Followers

Brian Rose has raised nearly £1 million to fund a "free speech" platform where he'll host video interviews with conspiracy theorists and other guests. But some followers have questioned how the money will really be used.
Brendan Scott

Joe Exotic and the Inevitability of Self-Sabotage

Behind all the cages and bones and blood and piercings and tattoos and fire and limbs and guns, there is humanity in the Joe Exotic story.
Joel Golby
Row Z

'The Mexican Wave Was a Spin-Out' – Fans Remember Watching Football On Drugs

"I thought Barcelona were trying to personally humiliate me by scoring more goals."
Hydall Codeen
Row Z

An Ode to England's Most Memeable Footballer

Every era has its cult players. In the 2010s, ours were meme footballers – and one man, Phil Jones, stands out as the first among equals.
Hydall Codeen
Row Z

Only Leicester's Brendan Rodgers Can Derail the Pep Express

The former Liverpool boss finally has a chance to bring the league title home to Anfield.
Hydall Codeen

I Tested the Saving Technique That Promises Retirement at 40

The FIRE—"financial independence, retire early"—movement is all about hoarding enough cash before investing it and living off the dividends.
Hayden Vernon
Row Z

The Premier League's Weirdest Player Is the Christmas Hero We All Need

An ode to Callum Paterson, Cardiff City's moustachioed wiggling weirdo.
Hydall Codeen
Row Z

House Rules for The Best Football Pub Ever

For my generation, watching football means the pub. So here's how to create the perfect boozing and viewing scenario.
Hydall Codeen
Row Z

Cutting Inside Arjen Robben: The Compulsive Slaphead Who Will Kill You the Same Way Over and Over Again

It’s time to applaud a player who's been scoring the same FIFA '96 bug goal for almost 20 years.
Hydall Codeen

Tim Westwood Deserves Your Respect, Baby

Today, on his 60th birthday, let's revel in the achievements of the UK’s premier Slenderman-shaped hip-hop DJ.
Joel Golby
Fandom Week

An Oral History of Despair Faction, AFI's Tight-Knit Fan Forum

Key message board members look back on how the now-defunct site created marriages, friendships and, um, lifetime MTV event bans.
Aideen O'Flaherty