David L. Craddock

Games Features

How a Publishing Nightmare Set the Stage for the Original 'X-COM'

The Gollop brothers achieved a breakthrough with 'Lords of Chaos', but a publishing deal gone bad would force them to invent a masterpiece.
David L. Craddock
Games Features

The Story Behind the Tireless Slog of Porting 'Double Dragon' to Genesis

Back then, game companies basically dumped an arcade machine in your lap and said "good luck."
David L. Craddock

Inside the 'Prototype' vs. 'Infamous' Duel for Superhero Dominance

At a glance, 'Prototype' and 'Infamous' appeared identical. Only their marketing teams could help consumers tell them apart—and choose one over the other.
David L. Craddock

How Cheat Codes Vanished from Video Games

Once upon a time, cheat codes let players unlock the headiest secrets from their games.
David L. Craddock
long reads or whatever

How Cheat Codes Vanished from Video Games

Once upon a time, cheat codes let players unlock the headiest secrets from their games.
David L. Craddock
metroid ii

​Better Than Black and White: One Man’s Decade-Long Quest to Remake 'Metroid II'

Milton Guasti's 'Project AM2R' was supposed to be a short practice project. Instead, it became the game that an entire community hung their hopes on.
David L. Craddock

​Better Than Black and White: One Man’s Decade-Long Quest to Remake 'Metroid II'

Milton Gausti's 'Project AM2R' was supposed to be a short practice project. Instead, it became the game that an entire community hung their hopes on.
David L. Craddock