Gabe Gilker


What Has Cage Been Up to Since Def Jux?

During a rare visit in Toronto, we spoke to rapper Cage about his tenured history on Def Jux with Aesop Rock and El-P.
Gabe Gilker

That Was Live: Seeing A-Trak and Chromeo Perform Live in Montreal

We went to Montreal to reunite with our high school sweethearts and witness a local family reunion.
Gabe Gilker

How Montreal’s Maple Spring Helped Revive Its Punk Scene

Since the protests that saw thousands of students take a stand for their tuition, Montreal has seen a surge in punk rock.
Gabe Gilker
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Watch Black Tiger Sex Machine’s European Tour Documentary

It’s not all jet planes and bottles of champagne.
Gabe Gilker

Getting Between The Sheets With Motel Raphael

The Montreal indie-power-pop group talk about the origin of their name, as well as the difficulties of being an all-girl group in a male-dominated industry.
Gabe Gilker

Behind the Mask: Catching Up with Black Tiger Sex Machine

Bonding with BTSM about their newest release “On the Run,” their new live show and Kannibalen Records.
Gabe Gilker

Jesse Riggins Loves to Photograph Weird Weirdos

Jesse’s photos delve into an oddball realm of mannequin heads, punk shows, and irregular people with irregular lifestyles.
Gabe Gilker

Polyamory Is a Good Way to Be Slutty Without Hurting Anyone

Since monogamy is so boring and frustrating, we called up the director of the Canadian Polyamory Advocacy Association to figure out if living with multiple lovers is a preferable way to express human love.
Gabe Gilker

Apparently Death Looks Like a Bright Blue Shockwave

A scientist named David Gems, over in London, discovered that death and aging actually resembles a "ghostly burst of blue fluorescents" that pulses through a worm's body right before death. What does this mean for humanity? We asked him.
Gabe Gilker

Chatting with Drug Addicts about Antidrug Ad Campaigns

Antidrug campaigns never worked for Gabe Gilker, in fact, they had the opposite effect. So, she went out and chatted with some actual drug addicts about how they think antidrug advertisements could possibly prevent addiction.
Gabe Gilker

This Lady Thinks the Center of the Earth Is Hollow and Full of Alien Humanoids

Upon discovering the theory that the Earth is hollowed out and full of highly evolved alien humanoids, my interest was at an all time high, but when I actually researched this conspiratorial concept further, I discovered its believers make up a huge...
Gabe Gilker

I Vaporized Booze, Then Felt Like Dying

After a while, it just felt like we were smoking booze to fulfill some kind of imaginary obligation we had all invented in our own minds. It was like crack.
Gabe Gilker