Gregory Mackay


'Orchard Tractors of the Tasmanian Huon Valley,' Today's Comic by Gregory Mackay

Gregory Mackay would like to educate you about the tractors common in Tasmanian orchards in this thrilling tractor tutorial.
Gregory Mackay

'A Visit to the International Space Station,' Today's Comic by Gregory Mackay

Gregory Mackay has gone to the International Space Station and wants to tell you about it in this informative comic.
Gregory Mackay

Francis and the Toaster

In Gregory Mackay's comic, a stuffed bear opens a restaurant where he only serves steak and coffee and it goes just about as badly as you'd think.
Gregory Mackay

Francis and the Kegs

Francis, a stuffed bear, and his friend decide to trick people into drinking the dregs of old beers in money making scheme that is sure to get them rich and quick.
Gregory Mackay

Francis the Bear: Francis And The Hoarder Car

Francis, the homeless stuffed animal bear, and his friend who also appears to be some sort of plush thing find a car that's full of garbage and so they steal it and have an adventure.
Gregory Mackay

Francis the Coffee Boy

In this comic by Australian cartoonist Gregory Mackay, Francis the stuffed bear decides to become a coffee delivery boy. It goes terribly.
Gregory Mackay

Francis Bear at the Library

Francis Bear and his stuffed animal pals learn how to get the most out of the library.
Gregory Mackay

Francis and the Railway

Francis Bear is like Winnie-the-Pooh—if Pooh Bear ate fast food instead of honey, loved beer, and regularly caused car crashes.
Gregory Mackay

Francis and the Bicycle

Do you miss being a kid and spending every night cuddling a Winnie-the-Pooh stuffed animal? Well, have no fear! Francis Bear is here, and he's exactly like Pooh Bear, if Pooh Bear loved beer instead of an androgynous pig named Piglet.
Gregory Mackay

Francis Bear

Minus forest fires and poachers, bears are living the life. They sit, drink, and shit all day long. One day, Francis Bear was lounging on his roof, having a lazy afternoon, when his friend came over with beers and snacks. It was a perfect lazy day...
Gregory Mackay