Gregory Thomas

Motherboard Blog

Oxytocin May Keep You from Cheating

It’s basically the opposite of Love Potion #9. Rather than transform a guy who can’t find romance into a full-blown Lothario, oxytocin might actually curb a man’s desire to pursue anything but a monogamous relationship.
Gregory Thomas
Motherboard Blog

Two New Ways to See Through Walls

Imagine what it must feel like to be a member of SWAT huddled outside the apartment of a hostage-taker, or a soldier crouched near the door of a terrorist compound, or a firefighter preparing to run into a burning building -- would you want to be the...
Gregory Thomas
Motherboard Blog

How to Eliminate Airplane Boarding Lines: Use Math

There's nothing like the airport to remind us that, despite college degrees, fancy shoes, or six-figure incomes, we need to be handled like cattle in order for the system to flow smoothly. We queue to get your ticket, wait patiently in security lines...
Gregory Thomas
Motherboard Blog

NASA's New Exoskeleton Helps Paraplegics Walk

When NASA isn't landing explorer robots on Mars or executing elaborate retirements for old space shuttles through the streets of L.A., the space agency is hard at work on technology that could lift paraplegics out of their wheelchairs and get them...
Gregory Thomas
Motherboard Blog

What Couldn't You Do With This Hybrid ATV-Jet Ski?

If a Jet Ski and an all-terrain vehicle had a baby, it would be the "Quadski": The amphibious vehicle, which sports a BMW engine, was originally designed for the military in 2006, but you can ride one home in November...
Gregory Thomas
Motherboard Blog

A New Study Says PMS Isn't Real

Canadian doctors are saying PMS isn't real. New research out of the University of Toronto claims pre-menstrual syndrome, forever thought to be a monthly whirlwind of emotion you can set your clock by, is actually a giant fallacy we've all been...
Gregory Thomas
Motherboard Blog

How Tracking Cell Phones Is Aiding the Fight Against Malaria

By tracking the movements of cell phone users in Kenya for nearly one year, between 2008 and 2009, scientists fleshed out travel patterns of a disease that killed about 665,000 people the following year – "mostly in Africa":
Gregory Thomas
Motherboard Blog

Ketamine May Help Treat Depression By Rewiring Your Brain

Feeling depressed? Stressed out? Doctors at Yale say the quickest and most efficient form of relief could be a healthy dose of Special K – the horse tranquilizer, not the breakfast cereal.
Gregory Thomas
Motherboard Blog

The Navy's MacGyver Bot Makes Its Own Tools, Doesn't Have a Mullet

Having whole-heartedly employed "drones": for air strikes, the U.S. military is now embarking on a project to put autonomous robots on the ground to serve as...
Gregory Thomas
Motherboard Blog

This Tiny Artificial Kidney Is Powered by Your Body

Kidney failure is on the rise and the kidney donation system is so tangled that people who need the organ transplant aren’t receiving them even when they’re available. Rather than try to untangle the systemic mess, a team of scientists at universities...
Gregory Thomas