John Doran

Menk, by John Doran

They Fuck You Up, Your Mum and Dad – But They Save Your Life Too

After all these years and near-death experiences, I still can't have an honest conversation with my father.
John Doran
Menk, by John Doran

I Still Can't Speak to My Dad, Even Though He Might Be About to Die

I traveled home to see him, and all I could talk about was my belt.
John Doran
Menk, by John Doran

Why Does Everything Remind Me of Taking Cocaine?

Playing a game of chess against my son, I was transported back 20 years, to a house where I'd go to score cocaine and sometimes smoke crack.
John Doran
Menk, by John Doran

I Got Hit By a Car and Turned Into a Racist Libertines Fan

Serious trauma does funny stuff to your brain.
John Doran

Having a Brain Injury Is Like Going to a Belgian Hardcore Rave

After getting hit by a car, it didn't occur to me that not getting an MRI was a mistake.
John Doran
Menk, by John Doran

Most of My Heroes Don't Appear on No Stamp

I'd like my money a whole lot more if it had a picture of one of these four heroes on it.
John Doran
Menk, by John Doran

I Spy Something Beginning With S...

Spiders are shit houses.
John Doran
Menk, by John Doran

My Future Ain't What It Used To Be

A semi-naked man's guide to dealing with estate toughs.
John Doran
Menk, by John Doran

And We Could Dance

An experiment in which a wedding DJ doesn't play shit music.
John Doran
In Memoriam

John Doran Remembers the Adrenaline Rush of Meeting Mark E Smith

Champagne sipped out a half-pint glass and that inimitable laugh: The Quietus co-founder looks back on interviewing The Fall's late frontman.
John Doran
The 2017 Music Issue

Welcome to the Naked, Paint-Dripping World of New Weird Britain

There's a new wave of underground musicians, sound artists, producers and bands creating immersive worlds for their audiences to participate in.
John Doran

James Murphy Knows He's Not Getting Any Younger

The LCD Soundsystem frontman talks fatherhood, brawls and his obsession with British music.
John Doran