Jordan N. Mamone


Loincloth's Final Album is Instrumental, Evocative, and Kind of Ridiculous

The Celtic Frost-worshipping, GWAR-affiliated, pseudo-Satanic supergroup is dead, but you can listen to their final album right here.
Jordan N. Mamone

Life on Mars: The Surviving Members of the Earliest No Wave Band Talk Muggings, Warhol, and 1977

Mark Cunningham and Connie Burg look back the pivotal 'No New York' era of experimental rock.
Jordan N. Mamone

Stains on the Sidewalk: We Downed Beers in Chinatown with Former Pavement Bassist Mark Ibold

"It was never a band that really practiced much."
Jordan N. Mamone

Poetic Justice: Enablers Make Spoken-Word Rock Music That Actually Doesn't Suck

The band recently released 'The Rightful Pivot,' an improvisational arsenal of rolls, taps, and flutters that will make you rethink your stereotypes.
Jordan N. Mamone

The Birth of Swans: Three Veteran Members Talk Reinventing the Blues and Their Imposing Debut Album 'Filth'

"We used to play at CBGB's and I'd walk down to the bathroom barefoot. I remember getting off the stage and licking the fucking floor and someone's feet."
Jordan N. Mamone

Watch Bowl Ethereal's "The Last Minute," Featuring Art-Metal Badass Pen Rollings

We talked to "math rock" OG Pen Rollings and his new partner Brian Metz about their new project Bowl Ethereal, drinking Four Loko for promo pics, and how defining yourself by your sexuality is dumb.
Jordan N. Mamone
Chunklet to Go Go

Contemplating the Heavens with VHK's Atilla Grandpierre

Decked out in robes and war paint, Atilla howls with profound fury and joy while whipping himself into a shamanistic frenzy. Comparatively speaking, his shamanic punk band VHK makes Gogol Bordello seem about as intense as a middle-school production of...
Jordan N. Mamone
Chunklet to Go Go

Live Skull, Dead Body

Seeing as all of their songs on Spotify have a little "less than 1000 plays" symbol next to them, chances are you haven’t listened to much Live Skull. They were the best of the New York no-wave psychos, and they've aged better than Hungarian dessert...
Jordan N. Mamone
Chunklet to Go Go

Bringing in the String Section with Mars' Mark Cunningham

Mars never made a bad album. In fact, during its fleeting, 36-month lifespan, the NYC no wave combo never made any kind of album.
Jordan N. Mamone
Chunklet to Go Go

Bringing in the String Section with Michael Gira

Michael Gira is not known for making tepid, lightweight albums. Swans exudes a superhuman intensity. Even the band's recent reunion has transcended expectations.
Jordan N. Mamone