Katelyn Burns

Katelyn Burns is a freelance journalist based in Washington, DC. She was the first openly transgender Capitol Hill reporter in U.S. history. Her other work can be seen in The Washington Post, Teen Vogue, Vox, and many others.


Trans Visibility Exploded in the 2010s. But What Did Trans People Actually Gain?

The ten biggest moments in transgender rights and representation this decade proved that visibility is a double-edged sword.
Katelyn Burns
reproductive rights

The Ban on Abortion for Low-Income People Is Now a Litmus Test for Congress

People have started calling out Democratic members of Congress for supporting the Hyde Amendment.
Katelyn Burns

We Talked to the Lawyer Fighting for the Right to Be Trans at Work

The ACLU lawyer representing Aimee Stephens in front of the Supreme Court explains why we should all be watching her case.
Katelyn Burns

Lush's Trans Rights Campaign: Real Progress or Skin-Deep?

The cosmetics company recently launched the most public corporate campaign to increase awareness of trans issues.
Katelyn Burns
Womens History Month

'Transparent' Star Trace Lysette on How to Build a Trans-Inclusive Hollywood

"Transparent" star Trace Lysette opens up about her experiences being typecast and her vision for a gender-inclusive entertainment industry in the era of #MeToo.
Katelyn Burns

America's Trans Political Candidates Are Only Getting Started

The success of Danica Roem and Chelsea Manning's Senate bid reveal that trans political power is more accessible than ever.
Katelyn Burns

At Worst, the CDC's Ban on 'Transgender' Could Cost Lives

The Trump administration's move to avoid the word "transgender" in budget documents reflects a broader, troubling agenda.
Katelyn Burns
You Know Who Rules?

The Creator of the Cult Comic with Trans and Bisexual Heroes

"Kim and Kim" is the first major comic book featuring a trans woman written by a trans woman. Broadly spoke with author Mags Visaggio about the future of diverse comics and what she's hoping to accomplish in 2018.
Katelyn Burns
You Know Who Rules?

Andrea Jenkins on Her Remarkable Year Making and Preserving Trans History

The first black, openly trans woman in US history to win elected office also spent 2017 spearheading the University of Minnesota's Transgender Oral History Project.
Katelyn Burns

What it's Like To Skateboard Across the Country as a Trans Woman

Calleigh Little set out to become the first woman to skateboard across America. She found a lesson in humanity.
Katelyn Burns

Trans Candidates Think 2017 Could Be Their Year, Finally

A new PAC is working to get trans people to elected office, where they've rarely been before.
Katelyn Burns
Views My Own

How a New Trump Policy Enables Anti-Trans Discrimination

A cruel memo from Jeff Sessions stands to make life even harder for trans people like me.
Katelyn Burns