K.T. Nelson

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What I Learned Inside the Lonely, Sad World of QAnon Facebook Groups

The conspiracy theory seems to have created a lot of problems in the lives of its adherents.
K.T. Nelson

Kevin McAllister Is a Monster

The idea that he was the savior of the 'Home Alone' movies is woefully inaccurate.
K.T. Nelson
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Diehard Trump Stan Jacob Wohl Is the Most Brain-Poisoned Boy Online

The man behind the weird plot to accuse Robert Mueller of sexual misconduct is so much more than an incompetent political operative.
K.T. Nelson
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Ted Cruz Is a Desperate Man

If he beats challenger Beto O'Rourke to stay in the Senate, it'll be thanks to the Texan's ugly, fearmongering campaign.
K.T. Nelson

How 'Jackass' Spawned Internet Fame as We Know It

Honestly, if you are a viral star in the modern era, you should be forced to renounce your religion and pray to the show's stars.
Krang T. Nelson
K.T. Nelson
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Owning People Online Really Is the Left's Path to Victory

Progressive candidates need to meet their people where they live: on the web.
K.T. Nelson
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The Conservative War on Comedy Is Full of Shit

Comedians should stop apologizing to a crowd that just wants to use them as a punching bag.
K.T. Nelson
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Being a Pundit Like Joy-Ann Reid Means Never Saying Sorry

The MSNBC host's strange claims about being hacked turned what could have been a simple story into a full-blown controversy.
K.T. Nelson
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The Right-Wing Attacks on Parkland Survivors Are Totally Unhinged

And also utterly predictable.
K.T. Nelson

The Late, Great John Mahoney Was Frasier's Father, and Yours Too

A tribute to the man we all know as Martin Crane.
K.T. Nelson
Nathan For You

'Nathan for You' Is a Perfect Indictment of Late Capitalism

Nathan Fielder's Comedy Central masterpiece is perfect for our times.
K.T. Nelson
Social Media

Don’t Tweet at Your Idols

Social media has made famous people a little too accessible.
K.T. Nelson