Lee Fang


Middle Eastern Governments Are on a Shopping Spree for Former Congressmen

Over the past year and a half, regimes throughout the Middle East, from Turkey to the United Arab Emirates, have been snapping up former members of Congress to help push their interests in Washington.
Lee Fang
The Wall Street Issue

Your Retirement Fund Is Slowly Evaporating

Whether you know it or not, your 401(k) is likely being devoured by marketing fees, investment-management fees, administrative fees, and broker commissions—along with trading fees that pass on to you every time a mutual fund buys or sells a security.
Lee Fang
crime & drugs

Leading Anti-Marijuana Academics Are Paid By Painkiller Drug Companies

Many of the researchers who have advocated against legalizing pot have also been on the payroll of firms with products that could potentially be replaced by using marijuana.
Lee Fang

Leading Anti-Marijuana Academics Are Paid by Painkiller Drug Companies

Researchers who have advocated against legalizing pot have also been on the payroll of top pharmaceutical firms with products that could be easily replaced by using marijuana. Could this be a major conflict of interest in the pot debate?
Lee Fang

The Cynical and Weird Hypocrisy of Florida's Marijuana Opponents

If you listen to opponents of Florida's medical marijuana ballot initiative, it will unleash the gates of hell: skyrocketing crime, brain-dead zombies roaming the streets and Floridians flocking to rusty shacks covered in dirt to purchase their...
Lee Fang

Trolls Paid by a Telecom Lobbying Firm 
Keep Commenting on My Net Neutrality Articles

Have you ever read the comment section of a blog post or news article and thought: Damn, these trolls must be paid by someone? When it comes to enemies of a free and open internet, at least, they really are.
Lee Fang

The Koch Brothers’ Fake Libertarianism: War, Forced Pregnancies, and Homophobia

The billionaire oil barons want you to think they're selfless libertarian ideologues following their hearts, but following the money tells a different story.
Lee Fang
defense & security

The Judges Approving the NSA’s Surveillance Requests Keep Buying Verizon Stock

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judges own stock in telecom companies that are handing over data to the government.
Lee Fang

The Judges Approving the NSA's Surveillance Requests Keep Buying Verizon Stock

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) is packed with judges who own stock in the telecom companies handing over data to the government.
Lee Fang

How Putin's American Fixers Keep Russian Sanctions Toothless

Amid carnage in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has kept his financial interests chugging along pretty much unscathed.
Lee Fang

Georgia Pastor Jody Hice Rises with America’s Militant Right

Jody Hice just secured the GOP nomination for the 10th congressional district of Georgia, calls America's record on abortion "much worse than Hitler's six million Jews," among other gems.
Lee Fang

Net Neutrality Kabuki Theater: How Cable Companies Dominate the Debate

The comment period for the public to weigh in on an open internet ends today. But has the telecom industry already won?
Lee Fang