Marta Parszinew


The Story of the Millionaire Psychic Who 'Predicted' Coronavirus

Kim Kardashian West tweeted about a book titled "End of Days" that appeared to prophesy COVID-19, so I bought it off Amazon and read it.
Hannah Ewens

A Brief History of Bottoming

Here's how being a gay bottom went from a simple preference during anal sex to a whole new set of cultural signifiers (Lana Del Rey included).
James Greig
conspiracy theories

This Is Why We Still Tell the 'Dead Dog in a Suitcase' Urban Legend

You know the one, about a thief stealing a suitcase with a dead dog inside it. But what does the spread of this story tell us about urban life?
Issy Sampson
Fill Me In

Facetune and Fillers: Meet the New, Evolved 'Instagram Face'

Why are women with facial filler still editing their faces in photos with Facetune and similar apps?
Hannah Ewens

What the Christmas Gifts You Bought Say About You

Goodhood voucher? Personalised wine coaster? A gift says nothing about the receiver but everything about the giver.
Hannah Ewens
Lauren O'Neill

Lesbian Culture Has Had a Major Update

Is this how straight people feel all the time? I'm surprised they're even functioning.
Daisy Jones

Not Going Online Is the New Going Online

We all know technology is making us miserable but haven't worked out a solution. Now the biggest counter-culture movement since vegetarianism is forming.
Angus Harisson
The VICE Manifesto

Why Is No One Talking About Regulating the Banks?

In 2008, the world's economy crashed. Afterwards, we were told banks would be broken up. So what happened?
Ellie Mae O'Hagan

What the Digital Resistance Movement Might Look Like

We all know technology is making us miserable but haven't worked out a solution. Now the biggest counter-culture movement since vegetarianism is forming.
Angus Harrison