Michael Arria

Motherboard Blog

What If Chelsea Manning Was Russian?

Dan Savage won't speak up for the whistleblower, who Jamie Kirchick thinks deserves to die. What gives?
Michael Arria
Motherboard Blog

Lost in the Bradley Manning Narrative: What He Actually Leaked

The best way to honor Manning’s courage is to never lose sight of the horrors he exposed.
Michael Arria
Motherboard Blog

Why Does It Take Going Hungry To Go Free?

Close Guantanamo co-founder Andy Worthington explains the Gitmo hunger strike.
Michael Arria
Motherboard Blog

Rationing Is Not the Enemy

Scarcity thinker Stan Cox on the inevitability of everyone having to make do with less everything.
Michael Arria
Motherboard Blog

Chris Ruen Is Taking the Anti-Piracy Argument Back from the Music Industry

Just a guy serving coffee to indie rockers in Brooklyn, and writing his treatise against illegal downloading.
Michael Arria
Motherboard Blog

Can Congress's Few Drone Dissenters Void the UAV War's Blank Check?

Or would they be fine with the use of drones, as long as they have broad legal shelter?
Michael Arria
Motherboard Blog

For Eight Minutes, John Conyers Stood with Rand Paul on Drones

Rep. Conyers spoke up for transparency on Obama's drone policies. Until he didn't.
Michael Arria
Motherboard Blog

Why John McCain Got It Wrong About "Wacko Birds"

Rand Paul's Jane Fonda remark is the last thing he should be criticized for.
Michael Arria
Motherboard Blog

'Nothing Ever Happens': Rand Paul's Filibuster and Our Ridiculous Congress

Why is Paul, a caricature of libertarian wackiness, willing to challenge the president on this crucial issue, while liberals sit on their hands?
Michael Arria

How Cops Became Soldiers: A Chat With Radley Balko

Balko, an investigative reporter and expert on police militarization, opens up on cops going ham.
Michael Arria
Motherboard Blog

How Cops Became Soldiers: An Interview with Police Militarization Expert Radley Balko

Balko, an investigative reporter for the Huffington Post, was kind enough to answer some questions about how our police turned into soldiers
Michael Arria
Motherboard Blog

Will the Only Senator to Stand up to John Brennan Be the One Who Was Tortured?

John McCain has never faltered in his principled stance against torture. John Brennan, on the other hand?
Michael Arria