Michael McGrath


Unreliable Menus: The McGrath Family Super Bowl XLVIII Potluck

Muriel’s 17-Layer Dip: Beans, clams, bacon, aioli, Cajun croutons, pulled dork, dandruff, gravy, goat cheese, shredded Afternoon Yak transcripts, KY Jam, crushed Abilify, Jenga splinters, gauze, Goldfish crackers, Yemen salmon.
Michael McGrath

The Romantic's Guide to Holiday Gift Giving: What to Give Your Favorite Adult Actress

Even the most ardent of porn fans need some guidance in the gift-giving department. Luckily, many adult actresses maintain Amazon Wish Lists year round, providing their fans and admirers an opportunity to give them everything from lingerie to...
Michael McGrath

Historical Party Fouls

I’d just puked into a giant potted plant in the lobby of the Plaza Hotel, outside Truman’s Black and White. I was looking for a place to stash my now-soiled pocket square and thinking distantly about a palate-cleansing Bellini when some guy I didn’t...
Michael McGrath

The Legend of Baiowolf

A beat cop jumped out of a hedge holding a sneaker. “We got something!” “Looks like a Skechers Shape-Up,” said Sgt. Wender. Blood dripped from its bloated heel. “Whatever this thing is,” said Lt. Finazzo, “it’s getting stronger. And we’ve only got a...
Michael McGrath

A Letter to My Future Biographer

If you are reading this then you already know: My legacy as a once-in-a-generation literary genius has stood the test of time. My unexpected and politically significant death merely burnished my reputation as an eerily prescient novelist, beloved...
Michael McGrath