Michael Mckenna


The Tour de France Is a Strange, Temporary Party

I spent the day in a tiny French city as the peloton passed through.
Michael Mckenna

Those "Anti-Homeless Spikes" Made an Appearance in Montreal

Advocates in London caused an uproar last week when they poured cement over some of the city's "anti-homeless" spikes in a controversial demonstration. After a building on Montreal's Berri Square erected spikes of their own, citizens, advocates, and...
Michael Mckenna

A Company In Halifax Is Developing the ‘iPhone of Drones’

Drones have a pretty terrible rep right now. They evoke images of the intrusive surveillance state and bombs striking innocent villagers somewhere in the mountains of Pakistan. But drones are just flying robots, and since when are flying robots not...
Michael Mckenna

Happy Father’s Day, You Degenerate Old Farm Animal

Mother’s Day was easy. No problem. Flowers, phone call, and card that communicated a general sense of filial appreciation… it was all pretty simple. Father’s Day is a little harder.
Michael Mckenna

What Is it Like To Be Tear-Gassed in Istanbul?

After enjoying a pleasant vacation in Istanbul last month, I recommended a friend go and visit, so he could eat thinly sliced eel and legally drink beer on the street. Unfortunately he went during the heat of the protests and got tear gassed seven...
Michael Mckenna

Death to the LCBO

With the LCBO preparing to strike and most of Canada suffering the same kinda bullshit that Ontario has to deal with—what with all the booze being sold in government regulated locations—it's about time we drop this system and make champagne easier to...
Michael Mckenna

A Comprehensive Timeline of Canadian Terrorism

From mass killings in Mohawk villages, to the FLQ crisis, to this week's Via Rail plot, terrorism in Canada has a long and complex history.
Michael Mckenna

How to Pull Off "The Harper" Hairstyle

Whatever you think about Prime Minister Stephen Harper, you have to admit that he is pretty life-like. The chubby fingers; the baleful, whale-grey eyes; the creaky, angular little half-smile: it’s really quite something. We spoke to hairstylists across...
Michael Mckenna

Why Canada Needs the Sasquatch

With the right backing from the scientific community and the Canadian government, resurrecting Sasquatch could be the Great White North's Manhattan Project, an attempt to harness the chaotic, dangerous, root forces of nature in such a way as to add to...
Michael Mckenna

The Ugly Canadian Mindset

Michael Mckenna joins the VICE Canada fold to contemplate Canadianism in a way that makes us all look like self-obsessed jerks.
Michael Mckenna