Michelle Andrews, Kaiser Health News

mental health

Parents Can Now Force Teens to Get Mental Health Help in Washington State

“I’d much rather have a resistant, alive youth than a dead one.”
Michelle Andrews, Kaiser Health News

Starting This Week, 26,000 Unvaccinated Kids Have to Get Shots to Attend School in New York

The state ended religious exemptions after a measles outbreak got almost 900 New Yorkers sick.
Michelle Andrews, Kaiser Health News

The CDC Needs to Be Clear About Which Adults Need the HPV Vaccine

Some people ages 27 to 45 may benefit from the vaccine for the human papillomavirus, but most won't.
Michelle Andrews, Kaiser Health News

Insurance Will Soon Cover HIV Prevention, But Many People Who Need it Still Won't Have Access

When Corey Walsh began using the drug Truvada, the pills were free but the quarterly lab tests and doctors' visits cost almost $400.
Michelle Andrews, Kaiser Health News

Measles Hits Especially Hard Within New York’s Orthodox Jewish Community

There are more measles cases in New York right now than in the widely publicized outbreak in Washington state.
Michelle Andrews, Kaiser Health News

Cancer Treatment Can Make People Infertile, But Insurance Companies Aren't Always Willing to Help

If young people with cancer want to have kids later, they might have to pay out of pocket for things like egg retrieval, egg and sperm storage, and treatments like IVF.
Michelle Andrews, Kaiser Health News

For Many College Students, Hunger Can ‘Make It Hard To Focus In Class’

Up to half of college students report that they're either not getting enough to eat or are worried about their access to food.
Michelle Andrews, Kaiser Health News
the anti-science presidency

Trump’s Family Planning Changes Could Make STD Rates Even Worse

The Trump administration's proposed changes to Title X family planning grants could cripple efforts to curb the record number of STDs, experts fear.
Michelle Andrews, Kaiser Health News

Inmates Are Now Getting Medical Care via Video Calls

People can see medical specialists and psychiatrists without ever leaving the facility, but is less contact with the outside world a good thing?
Michelle Andrews, Kaiser Health News

Doctors at the VA Can Officially Talk to Patients About Using Weed

New guidance directs VA staff to discuss with veterans how their use of medical marijuana could interact with other prescriptions or aspects of their care.
Michelle Andrews, Kaiser Health News