Nathan C. Martin


Jeg tog til maskingeværfest i Wyoming med kanoner, børn og pulled pork-sandwiches

Det er ligesom at være til hvilket som helst andet tivoli eller dyrskue ude på landet. Der er bare automatvåben og granatkastere i stedet for forlystelser.
Nathan C. Martin

What I Saw at an All-Ages Machine-Gun Party

Machine-gun lovers of all ages gathered in Casper, Wyoming, this spring to share in the joy of fully automatic rifles and artillery.
Nathan C. Martin
the vice reader

Life Inside an American Mining Boomtown on the Brink of Decline

J. J. Anselmi's new book focuses on the Rock Springs's crushing provincialism, severe drug problem, and plague of suicides.
Nathan C. Martin

What TV Won't Tell You About the Wealth, Violence, and Boredom of North Dakota's Oilfields

Blood and Oil portrays the Bakken as boomtown soap opera, and the result is more boring than actual life there.
Nathan C. Martin

Ai Weiwei's Zodiac Heads Loom Over the Elk-Killing Fields of Wyoming

The most important contemporary art show to ever come to Wyoming casts a long, dark shadow over the supposed animal sanctuary below.
Nathan C. Martin

​Create, Kill, Create: Art and Hunting in Wyoming

Local culture, exquisite aesthetics, and the brutalities of hunting and fishing converge in a current exhibition at the Wyoming State Museum.
Nathan C. Martin

The Passion of the Prancing Elites

White parents in Alabama call them "filth," but the Prancing Elites dance troupe may one day be as popular as jazz and Shaquille O'Neal.
Nathan C. Martin