Paris Lees

Views My Own

Paris Lees: On Katie Hopkins, Free Speech and the Hypocrisy of the Left

Columnists leapt to Germaine Greer's defence when she voiced hate speech about trans people. Where are they now?
Paris Lees

Some Important Lessons About Trans People Tabloids Need to Learn

Seeing as you don't seem to understand some very basic facts, I'll explain them for you.
Paris Lees
The VICE Guide to the 2016 Election

The Myth of Donald Trump’s Black Voter Outreach

As the Republican nominee makes overtures to minority voters, he's pursuing a strategy of dividing and conquering.
Paris Lees
Paris Lees

Everything I've Learned About Sex

I just made a TV series about sex, which, combined with a good decade of being a bit of a slut, means I've gathered some wisdom.
Paris Lees
Paris Lees

Feminism Isn't About Slut-Shaming Kim Kardashian

Piers Morgan declared that Kim Kardashian's topless selfie had killed feminism, which is rich coming from one of social media's biggest tits.
Paris Lees
Paris Lees

How David Bowie Made the World a Little Safer for Misfits and Weirdos

I believe in equality, but I don't believe we're all equal. Some people are special. David Bowie was one of them.
Paris Lees
The VICE Guide to Making 2016 Better Than 2015

How to Make Sex Work Safer in 2016

For former prostitute Paris Lees and many other pros and former pros, the answer is pretty simple: Legalize sex work.
Paris Lees
Paris Lees

Paris Lees: On Germaine Greer and the Hypocrisy of the 'Left'

Germaine Greer's "free speech" is "hate speech," so why is the commentariat rushing to defend it?
Paris Lees
Paris Lees

What Some Feminists Get Wrong About Sex Work and Trafficking

Banning sex work won't help sex workers—take it from an old pro.
Paris Lees
Paris Lees

My Adventures Using Tinder as a Trans Woman

I got some shocked, rude reactions, some polite nos, and discovered that Tinder has legitimate human beings on it whom you can talk to about actual stuff.
Paris Lees
Paris Lees

Ten Good Things to Come Out of the UK General Election

Yeah, the bastard Tories are back in. But it's not all bad news.
Paris Lees
Paris Lees

Madonna Is 56 – What a Bitch

So what if she keeps getting her breasts out like a cow waiting to be milked? Pop's Queen Bitch is more important than ever.
Paris Lees