Patrick Hruby

Patrick Hruby is a former VICE Sports contributing editor.

pete rose

Pete Rose is Suing Trump's Russia Lawyer Because This is America Now

The former baseball player currently is suing John Dowd, Trump's lead Russia probe lawyer, for defamation. No, really.
Patrick Hruby
Fire Hazards

The Cleveland Browns' Stadium May Be a Shiny Aluminum Fire Hazard

Combustible aluminum exterior panels used in the construction of London's Grenfell Tower apartment building also may be part of FirstEnergy Stadium.
Patrick Hruby
college sports

College ADs Are Busy Limiting Athlete Pay as Their Own Salaries Skyrocket

It's almost as if there's a connection between rising revenues, fixed on-field labor costs, and the people running college sports making more money than ever before.
Patrick Hruby

The NFL's Growing Class Divide Could Undermine a Potential Player Strike

Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman says a labor walkout is necessary to get concessions from league owners. But the have-and-have-not economy fostered by the 2011 CBA may make a strike less likely.
Patrick Hruby

Football's Brain Injury Crisis Isn't Just for Star Players

Former NFL linebacker Ka'Lial Glaud's struggle with post-concussion syndrome illustrates how the sport's fringe performers have greater incentive to put their health at risk—and fewer resources to cope with lasting damage.
Patrick Hruby

Bernard Tomic's Only Sin Was Being Honest About His Job

The Australian tennis player was crushed by the tennis establishment for admitting at Wimbledon that he's "bored" and disenchanted with the sport. Is that really so hard to believe?
Patrick Hruby
college sports

The NCAA May Loosen Transfer Rules That Shouldn't Even Exist

The association is considering making it easier for athletes to switch schools—​but so long as players are considered students and not employees, they shouldn't be restricted in the first place.
Patrick Hruby

Girls' High School Football Title IX Suit Misses The Point

A group of Utah female youth players want their local school districts to offer the sport. But maybe nobody should be playing it.
Patrick Hruby

John McEnroe Says Serena is "Best Female Player Ever," Reheats Dumb Debate

McEnroe isn't wrong about Serena Williams, but that doesn't mean he's right.
Patrick Hruby
college sports

The Plot to Disrupt the NCAA with a Pay-for-Play HBCU Basketball League

The multibillion-dollar college sports industry exploits African-American athletes and has left historically black schools behind. Some people think there's a better way.
Patrick Hruby
college sports

Amateurism Isn't Educational: Debunking the NCAA's Dumbest Lie

As legal battles loom, the college sports establishment argues that allowing athletes to be paid would hurt their educations. Here's why that's as preposterous as that sounds.
Patrick Hruby
sports welfare

New Senate Bill to End Federal Stadium Subsidies Won’t End Stadium Welfare

U.S. Senators Corey Booker and James Lankford want to close a federal tax loophole for the bonds used to finance stadium construction.
Patrick Hruby