Peter Bagge

musical urban legends

'The Backlot Stalker,' Today's Comic by Peter Bagge

Who is following this actress home in a chauffeured car? The answer won't surprise you!
Peter Bagge
musical urban legends

Stevie Wonder in 'Safety First!', a Comic by Peter Bagge

It's an urban legend that Stevie Wonder would hire the same guy to decorate all his girlfriends apartments the same way. Why?
Peter Bagge
musical urban legends

'The Alterna-Monkees,' Today's Comic by Peter Bagge

What would the Monkees have been like if the auditions had gone differently?
Peter Bagge
musical urban legends

Bob Dylan Is a Lousy Upstairs Neighbor in Today's Comic from Peter Bagge

You don't want to live below Bob Dylan in this week's 'Musical Urban Legends.'
Peter Bagge
musical urban legends

Mick Jagger Gets Punched in the Face in Today's Comic by Peter Bagge

"I'm not your drummer! You're my singer!"
Peter Bagge
musical urban legends

The Who Needs Help in Today's Comic from Peter Bagge

Roger thinks everyone is looking a little shaky, so he does the only thing left to do and pisses everybody off.
Peter Bagge

Paul Is Dead in Today's Comic from Peter Bagge

But also long live "Paul"!
Peter Bagge
musical urban legends

Chuck Berry Cherishes Memories in Today's Comic from Peter Bagge

He's just a nostalgic guy who likes to watch women in the bathroom without their consent.
Peter Bagge
musical urban legends

Read This New Comic from Peter Bagge About Michael Jackson

He goes to a poster shop in LA and shows us what it means to be a true fan.
Peter Bagge

Musical Urban Legends: Purple Sightings

In the first comic in our new series 'Musical Urban Legends,' comics legend Peter Bagge tells the potentially true stores of music stars being funny. This one's about Prince.
Peter Bagge
The Comics Issue

Vice Comics

The "Expert"
Peter Bagge
The Rainy Day Issue

Are You A Cunt?

It's fool-proof.
Peter Bagge