Shawna Kenney


LA's Best Vegan Cheesemaker Used to Hate Vegans

Yousseff Fakhouri isn't making his dairy-free herbed feta and truffled brie for the vegans, per se. But that doesn't mean the vegans don't love—and in some cases, literally cry over—his stuff.
Shawna Kenney
Los Angeles

I Rode In a Tesloop, But I’m Glad We Still Had a Driver

It's a cross between a bus, Uber and Tesla.
Shawna Kenney

The Wikileaks Story Is Even More Dramatic Thanks to This Composer's Auto-Tuned Opera

The Source's Ted Hearnes talks about his musical take on the human cost of war and the many faces of Chelsea Manning.
Shawna Kenney
we saw this

Motörhead’s Iron-Fisted Frontman, Lemmy, Got Bronzed with a New Statue in the Rainbow

Thanks to a crowdfunding campaign by Hirax's Katon de Pena, iconic Motörhead’ frontman Lemmy Kilmister will never have to leave his favorite bar.
Shawna Kenney

"Now Is Always the Right Time": The Resurrection and Enlightenment of 70s Rock Gurus Lightstorm

The resurrected experimental rock duo reflects back on Indian gurus, The Bouncing Souls, influencing Madonna, and playing for the Viet Cong.
Shawna Kenney

This Man Hopes His Peanut Sheller Can End World Hunger

When Jock Brandis noticed that women in Africa had bloodied fingers from hours of laborious peanut-shelling, he visualized a solution. And it worked.
Shawna Kenney

When Eating Jackfruit, Bring Your Own Rubber Gloves

Looking like a lumpy, dangerous watermelon, jackfruit can grow up to 100 pounds and 20 inches in diameter, giving some hint as to why it’s known as “tree mutton” in Bengali. It's also the favorite new meat substitute for vegans in the West.
Shawna Kenney
Los Angeles

These Ex-Gang Members Are Baking Their Way to Redemption

“Can I interest you in a Rouge Batard?” It’s an earnest offering from a young man handing out samples of bread from the Homeboy Bakery table at the Hollywood Farmers’ Market.
Shawna Kenney