Simon Nielsen

10 spørgsmål

10 spørgsmål du altid har haft lyst til at stille din tandlæge

Og lige en sidste ting. Tager I lattergas til julefrokosten?
Simon Nielsen

Pre-Stream BÆST's "Marie (Magdalene)" and Forsake Your Beliefs for Chaos

Where is your God now?
Simon Nielsen
Video Premiere

Watch Fugleflugten's Video for "Det Er På Tide" and Lose All Faith in Humanity

Why is the world just so much crueler when seen through the eyes of a breathtakingly animated fox?
Simon Nielsen
Video Premiere

Watch The Love Coffin's New Video, But Whatever You Do, Don't Call Them Psych Rockers

The Copenhagen rock-force just dropped the video for "Sound of Warning", so we met up with them for a talk about Madonna, bat-rock, and how they're anything but a psych band.
Simon Nielsen

Baby Woodrose's New Video for "21st Century Slave" Explains Why the Digital Age is Corrupting Our Souls

The Danish psych legends are back with a fuzzy ode to what little remains of the analog life.
Simon Nielsen
Objectively Correct Lists

Fuck Copenhagen, Here Are 6(66) Aarhus Metal Bands That Will Make You Sprout Horns

“Too long have we rested under a bloody cross!”
Simon Nielsen

Vi spurgte unge, hvad de i virkeligheden mener om feminisme

Der er sket meget i verden, siden rødstrømperne brændte bh'er i 70'erne. Men hvordan opfatter vi egentlig begrebet 'feminisme' i dag?
Simon Nielsen

The World Is Being Ripped Apart, But Have No Fear: Capital Fluxus Is Here

Artistic melancholy swallows up contemporary hip hop in these banging, new twin videos from the Copenhagen-based ensemble.
Simon Nielsen

Danish Felix De Luca Lets Us Know What He’s Buzzin’ On in This Latest Track

The Copenhagen rapper's newest track is a slurry, blurry Quaalude for the mind.
Simon Nielsen

Vi undersøgte tidens musikalske syretrip

Psych er det nye ord på musiklinjen og iscenesættes på festivaler verden over. Men hvad er det genren kan?
Simon Nielsen