Sonia Paul

crime & drugs

How India's 'Sand Mafia' Pillages Land, Terrorizes People, and Gets Away With It

Construction demands and a lack of accountability help sustain illegal sand mining in India, as well as the notorious network of organized crime that has developed around it.
Sonia Paul
asia & pacific

Bootleg Liquor Is Killing Hundreds of People Across India

The poisoning of some 200 people earlier this week in Uttar Pradesh highlights a long-running problem within India, where unregulated moonshine is widely consumed.
Sonia Paul
asia & pacific

Health Workers in India Are Using Pink Dildos to Encourage Men to Use Condoms

India's social conservatism makes it difficult for most people to talk frankly about sex, whether in the case of birth control or in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections.
Sonia Paul

Hindu Nationalism in the Age of Modi

BJP’s wide margin of victory shows caste didn’t play as large a role in these elections. However, the role of religion is unquestionable.
Sonia Paul

Hindu Nationalism in the Age of Modi

Last month, Indian voters handed a sweeping victory to a political party that has historic ties to a Hindu extremist group that believes that India—the polyglot, multi-faith subcontinent—is in fact a Hindu nation. Now that they're in power, what does...
Sonia Paul

Requiem for India’s Congress Party: A Loser’s Diary

The Congress Party, it turns out, lost badly amid wide dissatisfaction with the country’s infrastructural development.
Sonia Paul

Requiem for India’s Congress Party: A Loser’s Diary

The results of India's general election were announced today, making official what most polls predicted: an unprecedented defeat for India's historically dominant center-left party. But the cycle of political births and deaths in India has spun this...
Sonia Paul