VICE Mexico


Mexican Muslims

VICE Mexico traveled to Chiapas, Mexico, to meet Cheb Cheb Ibrahim, one of the first Mexican Indians to convert to Islam and a member of the only indigenous Muslim community in Mexico.
VICE Mexico
The Guide to Political Change

The Zapatista Uprising (20 Years Later)

Twenty years after the Zapatista uprising, VICE traveled to Chiapas, Mexico, to recall the events of that fateful day. It was the first indigenous armed uprising in Latin America in the internet age.
VICE Mexico

The Zapatista Uprising (20 Years Later)

Twenty years after the Zapatista uprising, VICE traveled to Chiapas, Mexico, to recall the events of that fateful day. It was the first indigenous armed uprising in Latin America in the internet age.
VICE Mexico

The Subway Gangs of Mexico City

Local gangs known as combos made up of reggaeton fans in their late teens and early 20s haunt the subway stations of Mexico City.
VICE Mexico

Oaxaca's Third Gender

Every November a celebration known as the Vigil of the Authentic Intrepid Searchers of Danger occurs in the city of Juchitán, Oaxaca, in Mexico. In this community of Zapotec indigenous people, it's generally understood that there are three genders.
VICE Mexico

Deportee Purgatory

A camera crew from VICE Mexico recently went to El Bordo, a makeshift shantytown near Tijuana where many Mexican immigrants deported from the US have gathered in hopes of finding temporary refuge.
VICE Mexico

The Warrior State

Guerrero is one of the poorest states in Mexico and the site of some of the worst violence in the battle between the drug cartels and Mexican authorities. As a result of the violence, hundreds of civilians have armed themselves with machetes, rifles...
VICE Mexico

Jaime Maussan and the Third Millennium

Jaime Maussan is Mexico's leading ufologist. His TV show, 'Contact,' has run for decades, and he consistently packs auditoriums where he enlightens audiences with his knowledge of the cosmos and life on other planets.
VICE Mexico

The Messenger Angels of Ciudad Juárez

For the past three years, a group of teenagers called the Messenger Angels have been taking Ciudad Juárez's streets covered in silver paint.
VICE Mexico

The Cumbiaton Super Stars of Mexico City

A group of Mexico City DJs known as "Under Style" has come together to create a sound based on reggaeton and cumbia that they call Cumbiaton. Ignored by the affluent crowd, and often criticized, the Cumbiaton DJs are super stars in their neighborhoods.
VICE Mexico
VICE México

Mexico's Other Border

When traveling from Central America to Mexico, immigrants are forced to battle corrupt Mexican police, drug cartels like the infamous Zetas, and human traffickers, all before they even come close to the United States border. We tagged along with a...
VICE Mexico

New Jerusalem

La Nueva Jerusalén is a millenarian and messianic town located in the western state of Michoacán, Mexico. Its residents are faithful to the Virgin of the Rosary and believe the end of the world is coming soon, and only they will be saved.
VICE Mexico